Friday, March 18, 2016


Hello everyone!

This week I will share our wiki task which is about writing a film review for a school magazine. I worked with my lovely friend Hüsna UZUN. We introduce the film ‘Leon: The Professional’ and recommendations on it on a wiki page which is made by our lecturer.
During the writing part, we faced some difficulties such as finding an appropriate film and collecting documents and data.We experienced many advantages of working in pairs. we interacted with each other by receiving the opinions and ideas from each other.

Wikispaces is an open classroom management platform where teacher and students can communicate and collaborate. This wikis support the diverse need of the classroom, from project based learning, and event planning, to parent communication, and more.

Thanks to this project we watched an impressive movie. By clicking this link , you can read the review and discover the wikispace. Enjoy it!  

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