Sunday, April 17, 2016


Hello everyone, This week was very fruitful because, we made digital story with my lovely friend Hüsna. Our teacher has presented us three options which are demonstration of how to process, telling a story about friendship and fictional story. I chose fictional story with my friend. 

Before mentioning how we made this digital story, I want to give information about digital storytelling and the program we used.

Digital storytelling is creating multimedia movies by combining photographs, videos, animation, sound, music, text and often a narrative voice.

In this project, we used Animaker which is a web page for online animation. It is really a useful program because we managed to do all parts of the story like choosing characters, background images, music and even voice recording.

how did we make our digital story?
 First of all, we started to this project by writing a story. We took into consideration the age of the audience. As it is a child story, we used basic vocabulary. Then, we found the program and learned how to use it. We created the scenes one by one, added the background sounds and the narrative voice. Then, we shared it on Youtube.

When it comes to the difficulties of this project, we had really hard time while using the program as it is a proffessional program and it requires some information. However, once we comprehended the 
program, we really enjoyed it.
Collaborative working enabled us to save time firstly as it was really a long project. Also, we came up with different ideas and it made this process easier.

My thoughts about digital storytelling;
I think, the students will be eager to making storytelling, ıt will really attract their attention beacuse even ı am 20 years old, when ı heard the project, I was really excited. It means they will enjoy their time and we all know that it is very important in education.

They can make digital storytelling in pairs so this way, they will learn group working, sharing ideas, respect others thougts, saving time, collaborative learning...

Of course, there are many benefits and advantages of making digital story but ı think you should try and discover yourself :) This way, you can understand me influentally.

This is our digital story, ı hope you'll enjoy it, please make comment, thank you.

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